Catalogue your household contents

household, contents, insurance, home, cover, Geelong, Hobart, Allsure insurance

It is a good idea to catalogue your household contents. For example, take photos, keep receipts, create a spread sheet and itemise each room’s contents. This may seem like a tedious task; however it is really important. After you have documented what you already own, adding your new purchases (and removing what you no longer have) will be easy to then edit.

It will help give you an accurate value of all of your household contents and therefore will not leave you underinsured.

In the event of a claim, particularly a burglary claim, you have proof of ownership, and it gives you peace of mind knowing that you will not be short changed in the event of a total loss claim.

If you need some help, or have any questions, email us via the contact us page and you will receive a pre-prepared spread sheet to help get you started.